It’s a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood at the FineMark Women’s Pro Tennis Championship

You’ve made a fantastic decision.  You plan to attend the finest women’s tennis tournament south of the Florida/Georgia line. (Yes – a slight exaggeration.) The FineMark Women’s Pro Tennis Championship will be held this year from Monday April 29 through Sunday May 5th.  Admission is free for club members Monday through Thursday with paid admission on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  “How do I make this a beautiful day in the neighborhood” you query.  Well I’m here to tell you how to do it!

First, there’s a lot of things to consider before you leave your home.  Planning your outfit can be overwhelming, so I’ve been asked to interview a leading fashion expert on what women should wear to the tournament.  Frankly, I’m way too lazy to cold call Tik Tok influencers and IG models, so instead I asked my husband to interview me as the “Fashionista” for the tournament.  Here’s how it went:

Gary (handsome husband) – “You are clearly among the world’s leading experts on fashion.  What do you recommend women wear to the FineMark Women’s Pro Tennis Championship?” 

Ann (doting wife) – “Thank you, honey.  I suggest that women wear comfortable, breathable clothing in colors that complement their complexions.  Coordinate all accessories.  Keep makeup to a minimum as the weather can be quite hot in May.”

Gary – “That’s a fetching ensemble you are wearing.  Please let me know where fashionable women can procure something special to wear to the tournament.”

Ann – “You are so sweet!  I purchased this outfit at the Bonita Bay Club Sports Shop.  If you can’t find something on their extensive sale racks, club members get a discount on all the other fabulous things in the shop.”

OK, so that’s really not quite how it went.  This is how it actually went:

Gary (curmudgeonly geezer) – “Are you nuts!  You don’t know anything about fashion. Please don’t get me involved.” 

Ann (seething spouse) – “No worries.  I won’t mention you at all.”

What should men wear, you ask?  That’s easy!  They should wear something mostly clean that passes the sniff test. 

Once you’ve picked the perfect outfit, generously apply sunscreen.  Grab your sunglasses, a hat and a water bottle if you have one.  You are ready to go.

Parking can be tricky.  Consider riding your bicycle.  Plan to walk to the sports center if it’s a manageable distance.  Carpool with neighbors/friends.  If there is no parking at the tennis center you can park across the street by the club house or feel free to park at the Fitness Center and use your fob to access the club via the gate behind the building for a short walk to the Sports Center. 

Check in at the Welcome Desk, pick up your schedule of play and get your wristband.  Why do we need wristbands? It’s not only a fashionable accessory it’s a way for tournament organizers to keep a count of attendees for the USTA and the sponsors. On paid admission days (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) it helps us ensure that all spectators have paid for tickets.

Fill your water bottle, greet your friends and head to your desired destination.  Selecting which matches to watch from the schedule of play is an art not a science.  If you prefer to spectate the matches with the highest ranked players, head immediately to Center Court.  Want to get up very close to the action? Journey to courts 2 and 4.  Looking for something in between?  The Grandstand is your destination.  There is no bad seat on any court.  If your seat is too sunny don’t worry, the sun moves quickly and you will be in shade fairly soon.  If you are heading to court 2 which doesn’t offer a shady spot, be sure to reapply sunscreen which is readily available in the men’s and women’s locker rooms. 

I’m sure you’re planning on having lunch at the Breezeway. The food is fantastic and the service is always great.  I recommend eating at off times.  If you wait until a match is over on Center Court, there is usually a run on the bathrooms and the Breezeway café.  Outside food is not permitted, so if you plan accordingly there will no trouble getting your favorite table or a seat at the bar. 

Refill your water bottle frequently at the conveniently located water stations.  Applaud loudly for the players, they are amazing. If you see a sponsor, please thank them for their donation.  This tournament doesn’t happen without sponsors and we are all grateful for their contributions.  And if you see me, please comment on my outfit.  I’m sure to be wearing something fantastic.  Just kidding!  I’ll be dressed as a ball runner like many other Bonita Bay Club members.  Now that’s truly the best “seat” in the house.    And that’s it.  It’s bound to be a beautiful day at Bonita Bay!

By Ann McManus